How to find my team attendance in Time Champ ?

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Fri, 09 Dec 2022 at 06:05 PM by Lakshmi Bhavani

This article will provide how to access the auto-generated attendance from the Time Champ and how to download

Time tracker will keep tracking the time details of the employees automatically like start time, finish time, idle time, productive time & spent time

To access this report, go to Time tracker, and click the attendance tab it will display the all timing of your team

  • If you want to see the one-day back reports or one-week back reports then click on the back arrow (<) to view the one-day back report or double back arrow (<<) to view the one-week back report

 To download the attendance of your team click the Download icon as shown below

If you want to see the employee's monthly attendance then click on the employee's start time

Here you can see the monthly attendance of the selected Employee as shown below.

If you want to see the monthly attendance of another employee, click on the employee's name and select the employee's name from the dropdown

To see the tracker details of the particular employee then Click on the Productive time

  • In the tracker details screen, you can view the productive apps, unproductive apps, neutral apps, idle time, and screenshots with duration


To check your team productivity report please refer to this

To check the weekly productivity of your team please refer to this

To check screenshots of your Team along with Live video please refer to this

To check your own Productivity details please refer to this

To check your team's productivity for a day please refer to this


For more queries, please contact us  here


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