How to import users data into the dashboard?

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Thu, 13 Jun 2024 at 11:12 AM by Lakshmi Bhavani

Step-1: Open ADMINISTARION Tab, navigate to USERS section

Step-2: In USER section, click on the 3 dots (which is located to the right of the refresh button i.e highlighted) 

Step-3: On clicking, a small pop up will be displayed

Step-4: Now, clicking on the IMPORT option, a pop up will be displayed to select the file containing the user's data.

The Excel sheet format look like:

Step-5: On clicking the open, A pop up will be displayed containing the users data which is present in the Excel sheet and now click on the UPLOAD button

The user's data from excel sheet is added to the user's section


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