How to check Time Tracker reports of your employees in Time Champ ?

Created by Gayathri Daka, Modified on Fri, 03 Feb 2023 at 10:06 AM by Lakshmi Bhavani

This article helps you on reviewing reports in Time Champ.


Step 1: Log in to your site with credentials in the browser


example site address https://<yourcompany>

Click on sign in button


Step 2: Go to Time Tracker Module


Here we can see the different tabs like





User dashboard

Team dashboard


Time Claim




This summary page contains the top 5 websites and applications, time productivity and productive, unproductive and neutral apps and websites.


Top 5 websites and applications

It shows the application name with how much time the user has spent in that application.


Time Productivity

  • This is the donut representation of Time Productivity.
  • You can also view the bar chart representation of the Time Productivity by clicking on the bar graph symbol at the top right of the time productivity.

Desk time - Total time that the team is active on their computers

Productive Time - Time Spent by employees on the Applications and Websites which you have designated to them as productive. 

Unproductive Time - Time Spent by employees on the Applications and Websites which you have designated to them as unproductive. 

Neutral Time - Time Spent by employees on the Applications and Websites which you have not designated to them as productive or unproductive. 

If you would like to know how to configure Productive and Unproductive apps for your employees please refer to this


The below report will give the Productive Apps & Websites section with the duration that the person/team spent on each of the apps/websites.

Unproductive Apps & Websites section

Neutral Apps & Websites section


If you want to see any particular employee reports then click on the User dropdown and select the username and date then the result will be displayed for the selected user

In the summary tab the result will be displayed like the below screenshot


Attendance Tab:

A time tracker will keep tracking the time details of the employees automatically like start time, finish time, idle time, productive time & spent time

To access this report, go to Time tracker, Click the Attendance tab it will display the all timing of your team


  • If you won't see the one-day back reports or one-week back reports then click on the back arrow(<) to view the one-day back report or double back arrow(<<) to view the one-week back report

 To download the Timesheet of your team click the Download icon as shown below

If you want to see the employee monthly timesheet then click on the employee start time

Here you can see the monthly timesheet of selected employees as shown below.

If you want to see the monthly timesheet of another employee click on the employee name and select the employee name from the dropdown

To see the tracker details of the particular employee then Click on the Productive time

  • In the tracker details screen you can view the productive apps, unproductive apps, neutral apps, idle time, and screenshots with duration

If you want to edit the time details manually, Click on the Edit icon


You can change here whether you are working or nonworking

You can even adjust the time here

Then mention your reason and click on the tick mark



Productivity Tab:

 To access this report go to the Time tracker, Click the Productivity tab, then it will display the weekly productivity

  • Here you can see the productivity bar with the tracker usage time of your team
  • Green indicates productive time, orange indicates unproductive time and gray indicates the neutral time of the user

  • If you want to see the particular employee productivity bar then click on the User dropdown and select the username then the result will be displayed of the selected user
  • In the productivity tab the result will be displayed like below

If you click on the back arrow (<) then you can see the one-week back report

If you want to see the detailed view of the productivity details then click on the productivity bar

In the drill down, you can see the productive, unproductive, and neutral apps and websites with logged time and system-detected breaks, screenshots and commits.



A time tracker to keep track of and captured the screenshots of your team

To access this report go to Time tracker, Click on the Screenshots tab

The screenshot page will display the all users of your team

  • Here you can identify the users status like online/offline
  • Green indicates the user is "Online", red indicates the user was in "Offline" and orange indicated the user is on "lunch or break"
  • If you click on the toggle button then inactive users and day not started users will be displayed

  • If there are no screenshots on that day then the "No data to displayed" message will be displayed
  • Click on the date and  select the date from the calendar (or) click on one day back (<) to go one day back (or) click one week back(<<) to go one week back

 You can also view the Live stream and take a live screenshot of your team

If you click on the video icon then you can see the live video of the user

If you click on the camera icon then you can see the live screenshot of the user

Screenshots in day wise

  • In the user list beside each employee's name a number was displayed that indicates the total no of screenshots of the employee's
  • By hovering on the screenshots the small check box will be displayed  if you are selecting that check box then the delete option will be visible like a below screen

Delete option

  • If you want to delete all screenshots then select the Selected all check box or want to delete one screenshot then select the individual screenshot checkbox
  • After selecting the screenshot, Click on the delete option then the conformation pop up will be displayed

  • Give the reason for deleting the screenshot and then click on the Delete button otherwise click on the Cancel button

Click on any screenshot then it will open on a big screen like the below screenshot

  • Here you can view  whether the screenshot is productive/unproductive/neutral & delete option, keyboard strokes and mouse movements per minute
  • Click on the back arrow(<) button previous screenshot and related information will be displayed
  • If you click on the (>) button next screenshot and related information will be displayed

User Dashboard:

Go to Timetracker Module and select User Dashboard


The User Dashboard screen should be as follows. 

The user dashboard displays information such as the user's start time, last seen time, desk time, productive time, unproductive time, neutral time, away time, top websites visited, top applications used, daily activity, mouse events, and keystrokes.

We can filter the user details by selecting the username and date.

Top 5 websites and applications used by the user.

Mouse Events and keystrokes of the user 

In the user dashboard we can see the weekly activity of an user  in the bar graph 

We can apply filters on weekly activity

After applying filters we can Download  the user Activity

Note : Download button will appear after clicking Filter button 

We can also see the  Top 5 Websites and application ,App usage ,Web usage of the user  in the form of pie charts 

Downloading  Top 5 Websites and application ,App usage ,Web usage of the Employee

Note : Download button will appear after clicking Filter button

 Team Dashboard:

 Team Dashboard contains all the apps related to the team like team members, present members, absent members, late members, most productive users, most unproductive users, Idle time users, daily activity,

offline users, absence users, late users, minimum working hours, team top 5 websites and applications, team top 5 unproductive websites and applications, and team top 5 productive websites and applications.


The Team Dashboard screen should be as follows.



Date Filter

  •  You can get the details of a particular day by selecting the date.


You can also view the vertical view of the apps by clicking the vertical view icon.


After selecting the vertical view icon, the screen should be as follows



All the apps in the dashboard are displayed as follows

  • Team Members and Total Tracked Members apps
  • These show the count of team members and present tracked members in the team
  • Online  Members  and Offline Members
  • These show the count of  online members and offline members of the team


  • Most productive users and Unproductive user's apps and Idle Time users
  • These apps display the most productive , unproductive, idle users in the team


  • Offline users and Absence of users and Late user apps
  • These apps display offline ,absence and late users in the team




Team Top 5 websites and applications and Team Top 5 Unproductive and productive websites and applications apps with pie chart and donut chart visualizations.


  •  Daily Activity
  •  It shows the user activity details


  • Here you can select the user for knowing the daily activity


and you can also search with a date



This shows your employee's activity report

To access this report go to Time tracker, Click the Activity tab it will display the activity reports of your team

It shows all websites and applications opened by your team members

Here it containsthree tabs

  • Websites Visited
  • Applications Used
  • By Categories

Websites Visited shows all the websites opened by your team members

Applications Used shows all the applications opened by your team

By Categories shows, websites and applications opened by your employee's category wise

You can filter the data by using a date filter, user filter and productivity filter

The date filter shows the below popup and you can select anyone from the list

If you select Custom range, then the following popup should be opened and in that, you can select the range

The user filter is as follows

It shows your employee names where you can select any of the users or you can see all user's results

The productivity filter shows three types productive, unproductive and neutral

  • If you select productive, it shows all the productive websites and applications opened by your employees
  • If you select unproductive, it shows all the unproductive websites and applications opened by your employees

  • Neutral option displays neutral websites and applications opened by your employees

Here on this page, you can see the websites opened on the left side and detailed descriptions like the title of the website, duration and percentage on the right side

Click on the view activity button

It shows the website or application log details like below

If you want to download the report, you can click on the download button

You can see the downloaded file at the bottom left

The downloaded file should be as follows

Time Claim:

Go to Time Tracker Module  Click on the Time Claim tab

If you want to approve the idle time click on approve, Then that time will be added to working time

If you want to reject the idle time click on reject, Then that time will be added to idle time


 Go to Time tracker  Module


Click on settings 

 then the  below screen will be appeared

On the top right side of the screen, go to Tracker configuration


You will see Activity Tracker Configuration



Enable tracking toggle button



Do you want to enable the idle time tracking of your team, then enable the idle time toggle button


Select the roles to whom we need to enable idle time tracking and specify the minimum idle time in minutes

If you want to track Apps and URL's

Step 1:  Select the Apps and URL's and click on it


Select the kind of App/URL tracking for all roles

If you select

  • Apps means that the tracker will track Application only
  • URL's means that the tracker will track URL's only
  • Apps and URL means that the tracker will track Application and URL's
  • Apps and URL's(detailed) means that the tracker will track applications and URL's with background apps and URL's

If  you want to add other settings for other roles then click on Add button(+) then another row will added for configure 

If you want mention any particular role of employee in specific way like (manager) use this otherwise skip

Click on the cancel button to remove that row 


step 2: Screenshots frequency configuration

 Select the Screenshots and click on it



Enable the random screenshots toggle button and configure screenshots at global level and user level of needed



Specify the time of screenshots to be taken(in minutes)

example: In the above it is configure to capture two screenshots in a duration of 1 minute



In the role level setting you can configure the screenshot frequency at role level 

 You can update the minutes by clicking on it and then here you can select "2x" then the tracker will divide the 1minute with equal intervals and take the screenshots so that will take 2 screenshots at every 1minute


  • Similarly "3x" means tracker will divide the time into three equal parts and take screenshots
  • "1x" means tracker will take one screenshot per specific time
  • If you want mention particular role of employee in specific way click on the add button(+) and configure like above steps


Click on cancel button to remove that row

Step 3: Enable Key strokes and Mouse clicks tracking

Select the Detailed tracking and click on it


Select the roles to track key stores and mouse clicks

This detailed time tracking to be calculated the total mouse clicks and key stores

Step 4: Enable the offline tracking

Select the offline tracking and click on it

 Select the roles.



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