Why Do We Enable Permissions for MacOS and Why to Exclude TimeChamp from Anti-Virus in Windows

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Thu, 30 May 2024 at 07:46 PM by Gayathri Daka

Why to Enable Permissions for MacOS:

In MAC OS after the installation process, some permissions need to be enabled to run the Time Champ application.

  • Accessibility :  This Permission is given to makesure you can login and start/pause the TimeChamp Application

  • Input monitoring : To Capture the Kestrokes and MouseClicks.

  • Screen recording :  To Record the Screen.

  • Full Disk Access : To store the captured data in the system and to sync to the Time Champ Dashboard

How to give Permissions in MAC OS:


Open System Preferences in Mac and go to Security & Privacy. Go to the Privacy tab and add the Time Champ app from the Applications folder to Accessibility, Input Monitoring, and Screen Recording and Full Disk Access permissions.




Run-Time Champ and Run this follwing Command:

launchctl load /Users/<<UserName>>/Library/LaunchAgents/com.snovasys.timechamp.plist

Why? - To Make Sure that the Application Autostarts when we Login.

Note: You can ignore this step if you want to manually open the application.

Why to Exclude TimeChamp from Anti-Virus in Windows:

Time Champ is a External application, which means it can be blocked by Third Party Anti-Virus software instead of Windows Defender. To ensure Time Champ runs smoothly without interruptions, we need to add it to the Anti-Virus software's exclusion list.

Folder Paths Which need to be Excluded from the Anti-Virus:

1. %systemdrive%\Users\*\AppData\Local\TimeChamp

2. %systemdrive%\Users\*\AppData\Local\SvcVtt  - (If the Agent Installed is Silent/Stealth Mode)

3. %systemdrive%\Users\*\AppData\Local\TempInstall

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