How to install TimeChamp on Mac in Silent mode

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Mon, 24 Jun 2024 at 03:08 PM by Lakshmi Bhavani

Note: To install TimeChamp in the system the user

must exclude Time Champ package from their antivirus.

Step 1: After logging in with the credentials 
click on to 'Navigate to 

Step 2: Click on the Download Agent 

Step 3: Select the type of operating system.

Step 4: Select 'to install for employees'

Step 4: Select Silent mode.

Silent mode: The agent won't be visible while tracking 


Step 5: Click on Download Option

Note: do not Rename the folder name, folder should be in 'Downloads' only. 

Step 6: After downloading the file, open the downloads folder.


Step 7: Unzip the Timechamp folder and double-click on the svcvtt.pkg file

Step 8: Now open security and privacy.

Step 8: Now go to general and click on “click the lock to make changes” and click on open anyway.

Step 9: Now click open, then click continue, then click install.






Step 10: now open the CMD and run this command

launchctl load /Users/<<UserName>>/Library/LaunchAgents/com.snovasys.timechamp.plist

At username, give the Mac name.



Step 11: To know that the tracker is running, go to Activity Monitor and search svcvtt.

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