How to install TimeChamp on Windows in Silent mode

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Mon, 24 Jun 2024 at 05:58 PM by Lakshmi Bhavani

Note: To install Time Champ in the system the user must exclude Time Champ package from their anti-virus.

Step 1: After logging in with the credentials 
click on to 'Navigate to 

Step 2: Click on the Download Agent 

Step 3: Select the type of operating system.

Step 4:

If you want to install application in your system, then select to install for yourself

If you want to install application in your employee's system, then select to install for Employees

Step 5:  Select the silent mode

Silent mode: The agent won't be visible while tracking.

Step 6: Select the check box and click on download


Note: Do not change the filename

Step 7: double click on setup file once, the tracker automatically runs

After executing the file, check for the user in the dashboard in the user's tab 



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