How to review reports in User dashboard

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Fri, 03 Feb 2023 at 10:07 AM by Lakshmi Bhavani

Step 1: Go to Timetracker and select User Dashboard


The User Dashboard screen should be as follows. 

The user dashboard displays information such as the user's start time, last seen time, desk time, productive time, unproductive time, neutral time, away time, top websites visited, top applications used, daily activity, mouse events, and keystrokes.

We can filter the user details by selecting the username and date.

Top 5 websites and applications used by the user.

Mouse Events and keystrokes of the user 

In the user dashboard we can see the weekly activity of an user  in the bar graph 

We can apply filters on weekly activity

After applying filters we can Download  the user Activity

Note : Download button will appear after clicking Filter button 

We can also see the  Top 5 Websites and application ,App usage ,Web usage of the user  in the form of pie charts 

Downloading  Top 5 Websites and application ,App usage ,Web usage of the Employee

Note : Download button will appear after clicking Filter button

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