Working Hours Configuration Team Wise

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Sat, 12 Aug 2023 at 04:31 PM by Lakshmi Bhavani

How to Change Working Hours for Your Team

Step 1: Open  TImechamp and login to your Account

Open Timechamp and Navigate to the Teams tab.

Step 2: Navigate to Teams

Click on the "Teams" tab located in the main navigation bar.

Step 3: Select Your Team

Find and select the specific team for which you want to change the working hours.

Step 4: Access Team Settings

Inside the team interface, locate and click on the "Edit" option.

Step 5: Adjust Working Hours

Once you're in editing mode, look for the "Working Hours" tab. Click on it to access the working hour settings for the entire team.

Step 6: Modify Working Hours

In the working hours tab, you'll see the existing working hours for the team. You can now adjust these hours to your desired schedule. Changes made here will affect all members of the team.

Step 7: Save Changes

After you've updated the working hours to your preference, don't forget to save the changes. Look for a "Save" or "Apply" button at the bottom of the working hours tab and click on it.

Congratulations! You've successfully changed the working hours for your team. These new working hours will now apply to all the users within the team.

Remember, this adjustment ensures that everyone on the team is working the same hours. If there are any additional changes in the future, you can always revisit these steps to make the necessary adjustments.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!

If you want to change working hours user-wise, please refer to this guide:

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