Windows/Silent/Common start up

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Wed, 13 Sep 2023 at 11:29 PM by Lakshmi Bhavani

Windows/Silent/Individual machines :

   1. Installation Process

   2. How to Confirm if Time Champ is installed or not.

1. Installation process.

   To start with installation process we need to know if client wants the files based on user level or company level.

Step 1: Login into your Time Champ account

example site address is

To login into the site click on sign in after giving the credentials 

Step 2: Click on the Agent button 

The below screen will appears, and then click on the Windows button

If the user want to install the tracker in his system then click on To install for me. If the user want to install the tracker in other users system, then click on To install for employees.

Now click on the Individual user button

As we are going to install the Silent version, click on the Silent button.

On selecting the Silent, you will get a dialog box as shown below. There check the check box and click on the Download button.

The setup file will be downloaded.

Place the downloaded file in the following path with Admin Login into your server/desktop

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

Now when users sign-out and signin this file will automatically installs.

Note: Do not close the command prompt window until the whole installation completed.

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