How to get alert messages on tracker idle time ?

Created by Lakshmi Bhavani, Modified on Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 05:30 PM by Lakshmi Bhavani

Here you have to know about how to get alert notifications or messages for tracker idle time.

This alert helps managers to get an email where their team members went on idle on their computer without any activities on their computer. This will be applicable to whole company.

In order to get this alert emails on tracker idle time, you have to add the Tracker idle alert to manager permission in the Tracker alerts configuration.

The alert mails are sent like below


For adding this permission please follow the below steps.

Step 1: Login to your site with credentials in the browser


example site address is

Click on sign in button

Step 2: Go to the Time tracker page and Go to settings.

Step 3:

Click to the Company Configuration tab

You will get a page like below, Go to Notifications.



Add the "Tracker idle alert to manager" permission by clicking on check box before that permission and then click on Save button.

You have successfully add an alert for idle times of your team members.

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